B tech Course list and Specialization in India

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B tech Course list and Specialization in India

20 , April 2022

B tech Course list and Specialization in India


B-tech is a diverse course. One of the very advantages of foraying into an engineering career is that it comes with a huge spectrum of sub-fields, from which students can choose a full-fledged career path. This is particularly beneficial for students as they can study according to their preference albeit soaking in other bounties of information irrelevant to their ultimate chosen vocation. There are more than 25 B Tech specializations available in India. Some of them are mainstream ranging from Computer Science Engineering to Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, etc, while there are others including Agricultural Science, Aviation & Technology, Textile, Production & Packaging Engineering, and many alike. Let us look at some of the renowned engineering branches available in India.

1. B Tech Mechanical Engineering

The Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering is a four-year undergrad degree programme. This course aims to prepare students as Mechanical Engineers. The goal of this course is to equip students to use engineering technology concepts in the layouts, development, and management of mechanical components.

2. B Tech Computer Science And Engineering

Bachelor of Technology in Software or Computer Science and Engineering is a four-year undergraduate curriculum that focuses on coding languages and software technologies. The course is meant to provide applicants with the necessary abilities in the areas of computer application, research, and innovation, as well as programming skills. In B Tech CSE alone there is a wide variety of specialisations available to choose from, including Data Science, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation, etc, spending upon the institution.

Read Also - how to become a software engineer

3. B Tech Electronics And Communication Engineering

Communications and Electronics Engineering is the study, design, manufacture, and testing of electrical devices that are employed in various systems. Electronics and communications engineers commonly conceptualise and manage the creation of communications and broadcast networks

4. B Tech Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is the oldest and most diverse engineering discipline, conducting a diverse variety of public and private projects to enhance society's fundamental infrastructure and landscape. Civil engineers use scientific concepts and technical skills to plan, design, and build networks of highways and railroads, airports, bridges, and drainage systems, environmental antipollution systems, industrial facilities, water treatment and distribution channels, and urban mass transit systems that establish, protect, and improve people's standard of living. Check out about Career after Civil Engineering

5. B Tech Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is the study, designing, and implementation of electrical, electronic, and electromagnetism-based instruments, techniques, and networks. It's a four-year undergraduate curriculum that teaches fundamentals of the generation, distribution, and voltage regulation, as well as the system integration of electrical machinery and equipment.

6. B Tech Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering is a fundamental field of engineering that is always in demand. It is focused on procedures that transform minerals or chemicals into usable and marketable forms in a cost-effective and ecologically responsible manner. It mostly focuses on chemical engineering to discover and correct technological issues to leverage them for better industry practices, and new developments.

7. B Tech Biotechnology

BTech biotechnology is a four-year undergraduate programme that explores the use of natural systems or living organisms to generate or change commodities or operations for an intended task. It's a mix of applied biology and biomedical engineering that concerns the presence of living creatures. This course includes Chemical Engineering Principles and Applied Biology, which looks at how living organisms may be used in engineering, medicine, and other practical applications. BTech Biotechnology is a dynamic paradigm in which the course material advances in tandem with the fast-paced advancements in the Biotechnology sector.

8. B Tech Agricultural Engineering

Agriculture Engineering is a field that integrates engineering science and technology to the production and processing of agricultural products. Additionally, this undergraduate degree encompasses the study of animal and plant biology, as well as mechanical, civil, electrical, and chemical engineering techniques, with an understanding of agricultural systems. The Bachelor of Technology in Agricultural Engineering programme lasts four years and is divided into eight semesters.

9. B Tech Aeronautical Engineering

A bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering covers all aspects of aeronautics, technology, and applied science. It is one of the most difficult professions of engineering, requiring students to have a thorough understanding of technology and advancement in the realms of space exploration and defence systems. Students are exposed to new design techniques and cutting-edge innovation to apply them to resolve contemporary interruptions in the construction and maintenance of aircraft and synergistic technologies.

10. B Tech Textile Technology

B.Tech. Textile technology is concerned with the scientific and engineering design and control of all components of fibre, textile, and garment processes, products, and machines. Among these are natural and synthetic materials, material interaction with machines, safety and health, resource efficiency, and environmental pollution treatment. Textile engineering coursework typically includes plant design, wet process design, dyeing, and printing. The programmeemphasises the theory and practice of product innovation, industrial design, product engineering, global marketing, and management in a variety of textile specialisations.

11. B Tech Production Engineering

Btech Production Engineering is a viable career route for students interested in working in the manufacturing industry and managing the technical aspects of the goods, systems, and gadgets that are generated. Production engineers are in high demand, with employment openings in manufacturing firms specialising in the installation, integration, and administration of innovative production processes, assemblage, and dispensing.

12. B Tech Big Data Analytics

Data science, often known as data analysis, is a branch of study that combines domain knowledge, coding abilities, and mathematical and statistical understanding to retrieve relevant data-driven insights. Machine learning algorithms are applied to numbers, text, photos, video, audio, and other data to create artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can execute operations that would normally need human intellect

13. B Tech Fashion Technology

Fashion technology is the art of applying creativity and aesthetic appeal to garments, as well as natural beauty. Layout, idea planning, design production planning, quality assurance, strategizing, fabric style, printing, fashion trend design, fashion retailing, fabric science, colour blending, promotion, etc are all covered. Fashion design has changed across time and place, driven by sociocultural perspectives.


In this article, you can get acquainted with the various realms of engineering and what they entail in terms of course structure and core area of study. There is no denying that Engineering renders unmatched career options after engineering for students. As the world is continuously spearheading into the era of Metaverse, 5G, and technologies that are par human excellence, pursuing B Tech helps students in staying ahead of these innovative developments. Other than the value of the course itself, students enrolled in engineering programs frequently tackle corporate problems as a part of their curriculum, which enhances their technical, as well as soft skills manifolds. These skills are often extendable, which means even if the student decides to make a career shift, the knowledge gained in studying BTech will always be primal.

The perusal trend these days also depicts that students are geared towards pursuing competitive degrees like MBA after their B Tech. This puts them ahead of their counterparts in many ways. The combination of managerial as well technical competency is not only fierce but also lucrative. Students can take advantage of good pecuniary benefits as a part of the package. To summarise, going for a B Tech degree for your undergrad will always be a decision worth thanking your younger self for!