To emerge as an Institute of academic excellence by empowering young minds
problem solving skills, knowledge & ethical values and transforming them
professionals of global competence.
- To equip the students with state of the art technological advancement and skills
- To create a conducive environment for teaching and learning through continuous
engagement with industry for corporate understanding and Professionalism.
- To focus on holistic development of students through enhanced learning along with
moral and ethical value system.
To ensure education and technology self-sufficiency for quality teaching-learning
process, research, outreach services to meet the needs and expectations of our
We will continue to take advice to describe and execution of the above policy form
- Institute Authority
- Faculty
- Non-teaching staff
- Students
- Parents
- Alumni
Policy Enforcement System
LIET authority is responsible to implement our Quality Policy in collaboration with our
- “Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC)” is the centralized cell to
- monitor,
- analysis and
- find prospects to enhance the Quality System applied by each department.
- The IQAC consists of a convener and minimum of 5 members to be nominated by the
Director of LIET
- Each department has a member in IQAC
- Department member will be liable for coordination from Quality policy viewpoint.
- Each department has a Quality Cell (QC) to implement Quality Policy. Quality cell
is to be setup by each department with Head as a convener and at least 2 members
from the department.
Implementation Procedure
- Quality Cell (QC) of the department will be implement the Quality Policy.
- Standard of all aspect of the Quality Policy to be executed by respective QC in
individual department.
- Regular examining and evaluating by the IQAC in collaboration with the department.
- Student feedback form should be collected and improve the Quality services by
the department in regular basis.
- Remedial actions will be published from IQAC to each department for execution.
- External assessment on Quality system will be carried out annually.
- Improvement in Quality Policy by IQAC will be carried out in collaboration with
(A) Excellence in Education & Research
- Inputs necessary
- Focus on students’ quality
- Faculty and staff should have enough knowledge
- Focus on quality of Physical & IT Resources
- Academic Attributes
- Faculty & Lab staff competency and strength
- Research work and technological development
- Knowledge and skill upgradations
- Training and Placement
- Teaching & Learning Pedagogy
- Extra technical curriculum design, approval, implementation, monitoring,
feedback, and improvement
- Audit and Bridge courses
- Choice based electives, Inter-institutional learning, Technical Quiz
- Assessment
- Problem and learner centrical Classroom teaching
- Practical, tutorial, field work, case study, project, presentation, seminar,
conferences, co-curricular activity
- Industrial visits, Experts’ interfaces
- Proficiency improvement
- Learning Assessment
- Assignments, test, project assessment
- Class tests, Sessional Test, Pre-University Test (PUT) and End-Term examination.
- Focus on Research publications, seminars, idea/device patenting and grant.
- Industrial modernization, expertise moves
- Placements and knowledge outcomes
(B) Skilled Advancement of Students - Features
- Structural expertise
- Crucial Thinking expertise
- Problem Resolving expertise
- Ability for Employing Life Skills
- Ethical Practices
- Ability to change to multicultural environment
1. Teaching Learning Processes
- Load allocations & job assignment
- Lecture Plan, project and prepare lab manual
- Notification for assignments, class tests, quiz, seminar, Lab work, review &
assessment method etc.
- Lab work calendar and notify assessment procedure
- Academic calendar specifying co-curricular activities
- Project plan, self-analysis plan, research-based work plan etc.
- Self-created feedback for usefulness of teaching-learning method
- Problem finding & resolving method
2. Review and Evaluation
- Endless review method
- Pre-University Test evaluation
- Lab work evaluation
- Project evaluation
3. Skilled Growth with Decent Human Values & Ethics
- Manners and behavior
- Community service
- Group Discussions and societal involvement
- Seminar presentation
- Extra-curricular activities
- Organize workshops to define role play in real life
Roles & Responsibility
1. Quality Student: Admission cell & Departments are accountable and will report
of student’s skill to IQAC.
2. Faculty Quality: Director and Department Head are responsible to follow norms
put down
for the appointment and promotion of faculty.
3. Staff Quality: Director and Registrar and are responsible to follow norms put
down for
the appointment of staff.
4. Extra Course content: Head of relevant department are responsible for employ a
design, improve and modify curriculum as per requirement of the relevant department.
5. Physical Resources: MIS is liable to provide and sustain the physical assets as
institute need.
6. IT Infrastructure: IT infrastructure is liable for supporting and providing IT
infrastructure as per department, Institute, and hostel needs.
7. Teaching-Learning Processes: Each department is responsible to employ processes
effective processes to student’s satisfaction.
- Student’s feedback would be carried on usefulness of Teaching Learning
- IQAC will manage regular assessing for effective teaching through internal
- Variations would be suggested to administration and departments for well-timed
- Feedback on remedial action would be scrutinized by the IQAC.
8. Assessment and Evaluation process: Each department in direction with the Head
Examination are evaluating student’s knowledge as per recognized procedures
- Fairness and clarity in the system is being determined by Head Examination in
direction with respective department
- Student’s feedback on review and evaluation processes would be collected by IQAC
and corrective action recommended to management for timely action
Quality audit through internal and external agencies
would be carried out at the end of each semester or as needed.
1. Head of each department is responsible for the compliance of Quality norms in
the department.
- Each QC would create procedure to employ the quality constraint as per the
guidelines of the Institute.
- QC would submit the report of each element as per Quality Policy to the IQAC on
last working day of every month.
2. IQAC would suggest remedial act to the department and observe its execution
through with
3. IQAC will organize a regular external assessment
Teaching-Learning Efficiency
1. Class attendance
2. Lab attendance
3. MCQ Assessment
4. Assignments, Tutorials, viva-voce
5. Project based understanding
- New idea / invention
- Problem resolving skill
- Technology based product
- Designing
- Execution
- Outcome
- Objective Clarity
- Planning and Designing
- Procedures
- Delivery
- Subject matter
- Student involvement
6. Examinations
7. Self-Learning outcomes
- Subject and topic
- Resource information
- Collaboration with the Teacher
- Outcome
8. R & D outcomes
9. Co-curricular events
Quality in Research
- Planning for FDP
- Number of Seminars conducted
- Number of Conferences conducted
- Research projects
- Number of Patents Published
- Number of Patent Granted
- More collective research-based program
- Research grants received from Government agencies
- Research grants received from any other organization
- Faculty Research details
- Citations/h-index/i10-index of faculty
- Impact factor of published paper in Journal by faculty
- Awards received by the faculty at National or International forum
Competent Growth of Students with Good Human Values & Ethics
- Good manners and behavior
- Public assistance
- Group Discussions
- Community contribution
- Extra-curricular activities
- Moral values
- Multi-ethnic exchanges
- Managerial Capabilities
Routine Feedback Procedure
- Inputs
- Make use of ERP
- Apply Online Alumni network
- Departmental Quality Cell problem solving performance
- Getting results from various defined structure and informed to Academic Council
- Need periodically improvement through with Quality Cells
- IQAC should submit annual report to AICTE/NAAC